This was Saturday's Day of Mourning event in Georgia 02.23.19. ABORTION-THE TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO REMAIN SILENT IS OVER!
Proverbs 6:17-19
These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
WHERE ARE THE YOUNG PEOPLE? WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIAN MOTHERS? It was so sad seeing old people caring about this cause. Seven churches collaborated together for this event and only 1/3 of the church was full.
When God chooses wife/mother/vlogger Elizabeth Johnson (aka The Activist Mommy) to discuss the current infanticide going on in our nation and to start a national movement because many of our "mega church/ministry leaders" continue to sweep abortion under the rug indicates that the church is in trouble.
When God uses Potus Trump to declare his pro-life stance at the State of the Union and to sign laws to protect the unborn with courage because many in the dog gone church have reprobate minds supporting abortion again the church is in deep trouble.
By the way any "Christian" supporting abortion is NOT a Christian! Honey if God calls you into his presence he is sending your behind straight to hell express style unless you repent and sin no more.
DO NOT TELL ME THAT THE LORD IS HAPPY WITH MANY IN HIS CHURCH BECAUSE HE IS NOT! HE IS ANGRY! What happened to loving what God loves and hating what God hates?
LOU GIGLIO? (Atlanta)
Yeah I am calling them out! Go to their pages and not one has posted to pray for the unborn or posted to promote the Day of Mourning event. I'm so sick and tired of the idolatry and flat out obsession that so many Christians have towards these people. WE ARE TO WORSHIP CHRIST ONLY NOT PEOPLE.
If you only knew the horrific scandals that GOD has shown me regarding some of these "leaders" mentioned above you would cringe with disgust and anger. Don't believe me? That's fine, ask Jesus to show you directly and he will.
See the day is coming when God is about to expose every dark thing done in secret inside and outside the church. GET READY BECAUSE YOUR JAWS WILL DROP!
The day is coming where God told me in April 2017
"I will LIQUIDATE every church and ministry that is not mine. I will liquidate their assets and funds".
In May 2018 the Lord said "SHUFFLE. I will shuffle my ministry leaders".
In July 2018, the Lord said "SWEEP. He is going to sweep his land".
In Sept 2015, the Lord said "that he will change the status quo in the church and he was going to topple tables".
In Dec 2015, the Lord said "that the Church must stop fluctuating with the Lord and his ways. The Lord will OVERRIDE all detestable laws on his land".
In Oct 2015, the Lord said "that he was going to BULLDOZE his way".
In Sept 2015, the Lord said "REVIVAL IS COMING" and I saw overcrowded stadiums worshiping Jesus.
In Sept 2015, the Lord said "From HOLLYWOOD to HOLYWOOD, that they will see it was the wood of the cross where Jesus died for them because he loves them too."
In May 2017, the Lord said "that he will tip the scales and shift so the righteous will rule and reign".
In Nov 2018 through prayer the Lord showed me his gavel striking the earth and I heard the word "SHAKING".
Isaiah 66:1
This is what the LORD says:"Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?"
Oh yes my friends JESUS is about to expose, clean his house, sweep his land, flick off the filth, bulldoze his way and shake his earth.
JESUS is going to demote and promote and he will have his way! Thank you Jesus for the REMNANT churches and ministries who honor you in Truth and in Spirit, who have put you 1st above everything and love you and your people.
For quite some time, the Lord has been preparing a generation of God fearing, bible-literate, prophetic, discerning humble, "laid out their lives for Christ" and anointed Christians who honor him in TRUTH and in SPIRIT.
These are the modern day Josephs, Jobs, Deborahs, Hannahs, Esthers, Pauls, Timothys, Davids,Jeremiahs, Elijahs who were born for such a time as this to bring his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven for God's glory. These warriors have been prepared, equipped, trained in the fire of God's bootcamp and in the Lord's timing he will will release his army of war horses to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions that they are destined for in the name of Jesus.
So in closing,
let's continue to obey and abide in him,
let's continue working in the Father's business,
let's keep asking God to break our hearts for the people and things that break his,
let's continue picking up our cross and following him in humility, in zeal for his House, in truth, in spirit and in love, in purity, in holiness
And let's keep contending for God's promises and plans for our lives because the greatest move of God is soon to be here.
May God bless the ONFIRE REMNANT and may he show up and show off in their lives for his glory!#kingdomarmy
Philippians 2:10-11
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.