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LUKE 10:2

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.


Due to the chaos and the darkness of the world many people are living in pain, despair and brokenness with nowhere to go for relief. John 8:32 is a multifaceted, evangelical ministry committed in sharing the gospel to all people while we wait for the very soon return of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ on earth. Already prophesied in the Bible, the world is living its last days and our job is to guide people towards repentance, obedience and salvation through Jesus Christ. John 8:32 is a GOD-fearing, Jesus-loving, Holy Spirit filled, led and prophetic ministry that is adamant in speaking life to broken bodies and souls with truth, spirit and love straight from the bible. Being Christian is not about religion or buildings; it’s about a relationship with the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent GOD. While many remain prisoners in the spiritual realm, this ministry declares that permanent freedom and peace are only attained through Jesus Christ because he is the truth, the way and the life. While Christian persecution escalates worldwide, John 8:32 is here to defend and declare God’s truth with courage, boldness and conviction supported by God’s bible and supernatural Holy Spirit.  Encountering the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient GOD via prayer and fasting or witnessing signs, miracles and wonders during bible study or praise and worship are gifts which are available for all those who seek Jesus. Even though our nation continues to decline morally and spiritually, there is a remnant standing in the gap fighting for faith and freedom. There is a remnant that continues to contend for GOD's plan for America, the church and the nations There is a remnant that GOD is raising up in this hour and John 8:32 is here to edify, exhort, prophesy, warn and encourage the church according to the word of GOD and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Jesus commanded the church to be the light of the world, to be the salt of the earth and to preach the gospel to all. In this End Times, John 8:32 is adamant to include GOD in every social circle, conversation and activity related to politics, education, business and entertainment.


Carli Eli

Founder, Law Enforcement Chaplain


Jessy George-Dunbar



Sherry Higdon



Depression, anxiety, rejection, emptiness, sleep paralysis, and suicidal thoughts (brought on by demonic attacks which she was unaware of at the time) became the norm in Carli’s life for over a decade, until she got saved on April 21, 2013. A year later, she founded John 8:32 after hearing GOD’s voice telling her “that changing her media and political career to become a school teacher weren’t the plans that GOD had for her”. Before being saved, she desperately sought answers for her life’s purpose and calling and she hoped that self- improvement books, ideologies or travel would provide the answers to her unhappiness and lack of peace. On March of 2013, one day in the middle of her bedroom floor, she cried out to God and said “If there’s a God and if you are real, please give me a reason why I shouldn’t take my life?”. Days later, GOD’s “divine appointment” with her sister-in-law led her to freedom through Jesus. Weeks prior, her sister-in-law had two, very intimate prophetic revelatory dreams about Carli's life and after listening to them Carli was convinced that only God could reveal those revelations to her and no one else. Immediately, they gathered in prayer and Carli’s demons were casted out in Jesus’ name and instantly she felt his peace and presence over her body and she realized that this is the supernatural presence and power of the one, true, living GOD known as Yahweh, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Three weeks later, while she continued reading the bible and talking to GOD, she noticed GOD was talking to her profusely through people, books, movies, songs and that one visit at church. The Pastor's sermon was so powerful and impactful, she felt led to raise her hand and open her heart to Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. After months of prayer, going to church, fasting and reading the bible Carli got baptized with the Holy Spirit on March 2014 in which God gave her the gifts of speaking in tongues, prophesy and healing in the name of Jesus. Carli realizes that the prophetic gifts belong to the LORD and as a servant of Christ, she wants to worship the Lord in truth and in spirit as best as possible. Now that she knows Jesus, she has permanent peace, love and joy and she desires for others to experience the same. Forever grateful, Carli will continue to testify, evangelize and praise how the Jesus drew her out of darkness into his glory and light.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."

2 Corinthians 3:17

Work Desk

If you want hardcore truth then you’re in the right place. Are you tired of hearing “everything is going to be okay” when deep down you know you’re not? Are you desperate for peace, freedom and happiness? If your answer is YES then allow me to share my testimony with you. JESUS has healed, restored, transformed and saved me from death and he wants to do the same for you. Let Jesus break your chains, curses, strongholds and addictions so you can finally live in permanent peace and freedom  starting today. I speak life, truth, blessings, freedom and the favor of God over your life, calling and destiny in Jesus' name. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and may this video be a blessing to you.

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