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11.17.19 Vision from JESUS during prayer: "CRASHING" TIDAL WAVES

11.17.19 Vision from JESUS during prayer: I saw a huge, powerful wave and this wave represents the move of God through his sovereign hands. I heard the word "CRASHING" and like a tidal wave which is full of immense power, speed and strength, GOD is going to CRASH over every area/place where the wicked are seated and FLOOD those areas with his chosen, remnant, on-fire, Christian children for such a time as this. The wicked who are in power will be drowned out and they have no power against the hand of Christ. In every area of power and influence, the devil and his minions cannot curse what GOD has blessed, In every area of power and influence, the devil and his minions have to leave in the name of Jesus, In every area of power and influence, the devil and his minions cannot occupy the heavenly places reserved for the righteous children of Christ, In every area of power and influence, the devil and his minions cannot touch God's anointed, In every area of power and influence, the devil and his minions cannot delay, occupy, hinder, sabotage or abort the God-given destinies for the righteous children of GOD in JESUS' name! LET GOD ARISE & HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED! Lord Jesus, I am still contending for every Haman to hang on its gallows, I'm still contending that you will shift the scales where the righteous will rule and reign and I'm still contending that the season of weeping and mourning is coming to the wicked and the season of laughter and dancing is coming to the righteous in Jesus' name. Lord you are our mighty deliverer and vindicator and our trust is in you! "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5), "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7) Ephesians 2:6 "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,"

👉Then the LORD reminded of the Fall 2018 msg from Jesus: WAR HORSES- Jesus is going to release his remnant army as war horses ready to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions of power and influence in the marketplace for his glory in the name of Christ. Click on the link below: And then he reminded me of the following message:

👉11/27/15 msg from JESUS "People are tired of worldly ways. There's a NEW TIDE coming from worldly ways into KINGDOM WAYS." Click on the link below: This message was confirmation on what the Lord has shared with me over the years. Please read below and if you have questions please go to the Lord.


👉Fall 2015: CHANGE THE STATUS QUO- Jesus will change the status quo Click on the link below:

👉 Dec 2015: OVERRIDE- Jesus will override every detestable law off this land. Click on this link below:

👉 Spring 2016: FLICK- Jesus will flick off the filth off this land Click on the link below:

👉 Spring 2016: BULLDOZE- Jesus will bulldoze his way Click on the link:

👉 Sept 2015: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOLYWOOD- Jesus will clean up Hollywood so they will know that it was the wood on the cross which Christ died for them too. Click on the link below:

👉Summer 2015: REVIVAL - OVERCROWDED STADIUMS Click on the link below:

👉May 2016: SHIFT: I saw Jesus' scales of justice that were going to shift in which the righteous will rule and reign. Click on the link below:

👉Feb 2016: SCALES OF JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL: All those who have been falsely accused, God will vindicate. All those that are acquitted and are guilty Jesus' scales of justice will prevail. Click on the link below:

👉 April 2017: LIQUIDATE: Jesus will liquidate every church and ministry that isn't his. He will liquidate their assets and funds. Click on the link below:


👉Dec 2017: ECCLESIASTES 3:4 AND JOEL 2:25: Season of mourning is coming to the wicked and a season of restoration, laughter and dancing is coming to the righteous God-fearing, obedient, holy, humble christians. Click on the link below:

👉May 2018: OVERTURN: Jesus will overturn every world leader that isn't his and he will place his anointed and appointed ones. Click on the link below:

👉 Fall 2018: SHAKING: Jesus is going to shake things up. I saw his hand holding a gavel striking the earth. Click on this link below:

👉Fall 2018: SWEEP: Jesus is going to sweep the land Click on link below:

👉Fall 2018: WAR HORSES: Jesus is going to release his remnant army as war horses ready to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions of power and influence in the marketplace for his glory in the name of Christ. Click link below:

👉Jan 2019: FIRESTARTERS: Jesus' remnant army is going to carry his fire to set others on fire for God and release the fire of God through his word and Holy Spirit . Click link below:

👉MAY 2019: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14: Jesus is warning America's leaders in the political and business circles as well as those in the church that it's going to take the hand of god, the power of God, the power of prayer from the intercessors and the prayer of repentance of America for Trump2020. Click link below:

👉08.22.19 Msg from JESUS: The Theological House of Cards is falling down


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