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If you don't want a divorce then do it GOD's way!

DEAR CHRISTIAN,IF YOU DON'T WANT A DIVORCE DO IT GOD'S WAY! DON'T YOU WANT JESUS' HAND OF FAVOR, BLESSING & PROTECTION OVER YOUR MARRIAGE & FAMILY? ****NEWSFLASH!**** "If you're in a relationship or you're engaged to get married make sure that all sexual sin and nonsexual sin are gone in JESUS' name. FYI, JESUS WILL NOT BLESS YOUR MESS! I'LL REPEAT JESUS WILL NOT BLESS YOUR MESS! HUMANS MAY BE REPROBATES BUT NOT GOD! MAKE SURE YOUR RELATIONSHIP DOESN'T HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: -fornication -adultery -pornography -lust -sexting/sexy selfies online -masturbation -polygamy -living together with your partner -any form of "fooling around" -debauchery (i.e. godless bachelor/bachelorette parties) -attending strip joints -antichrist,pagan roots/practices/beliefs/politics -unequally yoked -lying -envy -competition against each other -slandering, gossiping, criticizing, judging each other -ridiculing, embarrassing, undermining, word cursing each other REPENT, SIN NO MORE AND DO IT GOD'S WAY NOT YOUR OWN!

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Whatever state or circumstance that you may find yourself in, please know that Jesus is with you and he loves you whether you’re a believer or a nonbeliever. Always remember, God created you for a purpose and in his eyes, you are his precious child. Open your heart to Jesus, ask him to forgive you of your sins, accept him as your Lord and Savior, start reading his bible, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and live a holy, obedient, pure life. Click on the link below to download your bible and as soon as you get a chance get yourself a hard copy study bible and a journal so you can write down the prophetic messages Jesus wants to speak to you directly!

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