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#MAGA #PRAYERWARRIORSRISEUPINTHISHOUR #PRAYFOROURYOUTHINJESUSNAME #PRAYAGAINSTALLEVILINJESUSNAME #AMERICAISAJUDEOCHRISTIANNATION #PRAYFORPOTUSSTRENGTH #JUDGMENTISAGAINSTHEWICKED #WETAKEBACKOURCOUNTRYANDOURFAMILIESINJESUSNAME **SHARE THIS MSG VIRALLY TO WARN PEOPLE & THEIR FAMILIES ** 09/07/17 DREAM FROM JESUS: In the dream, I saw Satanists enticing young people through giveaways posted on flyers and ads. Once the victims showed up at the place listed on the flyer (it was a building), the satanists held them hostage and then they drugged them with what appears to be heroine needles. Most of these young people died right in front of their satanic altars. In the dream, I saw a group of young teens approaching the building and I told them to leave this place immediately and so they left. Unfortunately, in the interim I saw a young teen on his skateboard with the flyer in his hand inquiring about getting his free gift too. As soon as the teen enters the building (with the collaboration of the evil superintendent in the lobby) and then enters the apt, the satanists immediately locked the doors right behind him to kill him off and I screamed for his safety. When I woke up, I asked JESUS to confirm this dream and I was able to find news articles about these evil practices. I then thought of Antifa and I realized this group is satanic indeed. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR BABIES AND PLEASE PRAY THAT JESUS DESTROYS THESE EVIL IN JESUS' NAME.

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Whatever state or circumstance that you may find yourself in, please know that Jesus is with you and he loves you whether you’re a believer or a nonbeliever. Always remember, God created you for a purpose and in his eyes, you are his precious child. Open your heart to Jesus, ask him to forgive you of your sins, accept him as your Lord and Savior, start reading his bible, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and live a holy, obedient, pure life. Click on the link below to download your bible and as soon as you get a chance get yourself a hard copy study bible and a journal so you can write down the prophetic messages Jesus wants to speak to you directly!

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