JUNE 2017 MSG FROM JESUS: In this life you will have trouble but rest in him that he has overcome.

JUNE 2017 MSG FROM JESUS: In this life you will have trouble but rest in him that he has overcome. #BATTLEFORYOURDESTINY #SPIRITUALWARFARE #MAGA
John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." My fellow patriots, Americans, siblings in Christ it's time to rise up! Go into your war rooms and be in fervent war room prayer and by be bold about your Judeo-Christian faith wherever you find yourself! Pray for Potus, his family and his inner loyal circles daily and let's all gather together as God-fearing, Jesus-loving, Holy Spirit filled and led Christians to #MAGA in Jesus' name. Many of us know that Potus has been chosen for such a time as this and many of us are contending for God's promises over our nation and over the world and this is why we must huddle together to decimate the devil in JESUS' name now more than ever! We are NOT afraid, we will NOT cower and we will NOT be silenced! WE TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK NOW IN JESUS' NAME! WE ARE HOLDING ON TO GOD'S PROMISES FOR OUR LIVES AND OUR NATION IN JESUS' NAME!
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