1 John 3:18
My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.
Now more than ever we need to come together and worship the LORD in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. We need to be authentic with one another and ask the LORD to remove:
our pride,
our egos,
our arrogance,
our deception,
our false pretenses,
our agendas,
our fakeness,
our selfish ambitions,
our competitions,
our envy,
our prejudices,
our favoritism,
our gossip,
our slander,
our backbiting,
our criticism,
our judgment,
our greed,
and our overt or covert manipulation of others for our own benefit.
The definition of TRANSPARENCY: clarity, clearness, lucidity, straightforwardness, plainness, obviousness, explicitness, unambiguity, unambiguousness;
Just because we are Christians doesn't mean our lives are perfect and are problem free. I'm not going to pretend or lie that it is because I would be lying to myself and most importantly to God.
What kind of Christian would I be if I am lying? What kind of Christian would I be living a fictitious life? Eww! I would be a hypocrite if I were to do that just to keep up with mere appearances. The truth of the matter is, my life isn't perfect and my life has certain problems like everyone else. l'm not afraid to say it and I'm not going to complain about it either. I will keep holding on to God's hand knowing he is good all the time, that he is faithful and that his hand of protection and provision is over my life.
I want you to stop and look at your FB for a minute. How many of our family members and friends put up a facade in front of others to display that life is "peachy" when deep down they are lost, broken, restless, empty and they cry themselves to sleep. Does your life sound like theirs?
I want to remind you all of the following:
There's no shame in being vulnerable.
Theres no shame in being weak.
There's no shame in crying whether it's in public or in private.
There's no shame admitting that you don't have it all together.
There's no shame if you have marital, family, health, financial, employment, housing and transportation problems or that you are facing unexpected circumstances.
Guess what?! Life isn't easy and it never will be but as long as Christ is in your life his peace, love, joy will bring you through every situation with victory.
Life has its ups and its downs, its highs and its lows and its seasons of rain and drought. No matter where your life is right now, I am here to tell you that
Christ has always been with you,
that he is with you now and that
he will always be with you because he loves you.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, distraught or stressed please stay calm and know that Jesus can give you the peace that your soul is yearning for. Just seek Jesus to forgive you, and open your heart to Jesus and accept him as your Lord and Savior.
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
In closing, let's all be transparent with one another.
Let's always be in a position to be understanding, compassionate, merciful and giving.
Let's use our mouths to bless, love, uplift, encourage, edify, exhort, pray, warn and to speak life over one another, over our callings and over our God-given prophetic destinies in the name of Jesus.
Let's continue to ask the LORD to break our hearts for the people and the things that break his.
Let's continue to ask the LORD to deal with us daily so Jesus can check our hearts and guard our mouths.
Let's continue to ask the LORD to give us a heart after his and a contrite and humble spirit.
Let's look out for one another and let's stick together in the name of Christ.
If you need prayer feel free to msg me, I'm with you in this fight for our destinies in the name of Christ.
Love you and God bless you all!
