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Check out what the LORD said and exposed as I traveled to D.C. a couple of weeks ago....

🚨🚨Check out what the LORD said and exposed as I traveled to D.C. a couple of weeks ago. I want to thank every single prayer warrior that I've met, that I've prayed with in addition to all those who continue to pray over D.C, our nation, our Potus Trump and the church. I love you all so much! ⚡️⚡️10.10.20 MSG FROM JESUS AGAINST THE L*U*C*I*F*E*R*I*A*N* N*W*O*: COLLAPSE-Their Satanic altars will collapse. ⚡️⚡️10.11.20 MSG FROM JESUS ABOUT THE L*U*C*I*F*E*R*I*A*N* N*W*O*: The L*u*c*i*f*e*r*i*a*n* N*W*O* hexed D.C., Potus Trump, the WH, the elections & the inauguration; however, their plans will fail! P.S. Years ago, the LORD said "S*a*t*a*n*i*s*t*s* speak in code." Look at the logo. #Ephesians6🚨10.05.20 URGENT WARNING DREAM FROM JESUS: Pray against any terror attacks against POTUS Trump's family at Trump Tower. Thank you Jesus that his children were safe! Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn.This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,”Says the Lord. 📢09.23.20-PRESENT MSG FROM JESUS FOR AMERICA:: The chaos, disruption and terror caused by the radical left and luciferians are the spiritual chariots chasing after GOD's people to cause fear and intimidation. However, we will not fear the wicked and we will trust in the LORD to deliver us from them. Exodus 14:13-14 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 📢06.05.20 MSG FROM JESUS ABOUT POTUS TRUMP: Just like GOD chose Moses to deliver his people and GOD made the way, so has GOD chosen Trump to do the same in our modern-day. 📢09.26.20 MSG FROM JESUS ABOUT POTUS TRUMP: Trump whose faith is rock solid on the LORD and who has a Moses mantle is waiting on the LORD to split the spiritual Red Sea . On August 2020 as I traveled to the 13 colonies, I will never forget what God said and confirmed as we stood outside the City Hall building and the State Building in Wilmington, DE just hours before Biden made his VP announcement. The LORD gave the following scriptures: 🔴1st Samuel 15-The Lord rejects Saul as King 🔴1st Samuel 16- Samuel anoints David 🔴1st Samuel 17- David takes down Goliath 🚨And then the LORD said this "Daughter, what have I been telling you all these years and recent months? I told you that Trump is my David, my Moses, my Nehemiah and my Jeremiah. Daughter, just like I rejected Saul as King, I am rejecting Biden as King for I am reappointing and re-anointing my David (Trump) for a 2nd term and it's in his 2nd term that I will use him to take down the N.W.O. the Goliath of our time." 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 So folks keep your eyes focused on GOD, keep praying for Potus and for America, get the vote out and trust that GOD will deliver what he has promised. It's game over for the wicked luciferians! Liberty, justice and exposure is coming and the best is yet to come! 🙏🏼📖🙌🏼📯🇺🇸 P.s. on June 22, 2016 the LORD said H.I.L.L.A.R.Y. will be in jail and jail it will be! #THANKYOUJESUS#BYEBYEJEZEBEL🙏🏼✝️📖🙇‍♀️⚖🇺🇸🙌🏼 If you want to know every prophetic msg the LORD has shared since 2015 for America, for President Trump and for the church please scroll below for the video and the links. Please give the LORD all the praise since many of his messages have and continue to come to pass. Please keep praying for our nation, for our President and for the true Christians that are walking in spirit and in truth. God bless you all in Jesus' name. #revival#restoration#Trump2020#MAGA⚖ Season of blessings/curses.⚖The wicked will mourn & the righteous will rejoice, rule and reign 🚨08.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING GEORGIA IN THE 2020 ELECTION: "CRUCIBLE" 🚨08.28.20 WARNING DREAM FROM JESUS I SAW A COMMUNIST, STALIN TYPE, BLOODTHIRSTY COMBATANT CELL TAKING PLACE INSIDE THE USA THAT WAS TRAINING YOUNG PEOPLE TO ATTACK & TO OCCUPY. I ALSO SAW A CONNECTION WITH MOROCCO. PRAY AGAINST ALL EVIL IN JESUS' NAME 🚨08.03.20 MSG FROM JESUS: 1.The justice of the wicked will be a jubilee for the people. 2.The USA is the birthing room for GOD's plans to manifest. (GOD is going to expose and rebuke the wicked luciferians! Be patient and keep praying in Jesus' name) 🚨07.18.20 MSG FROM JESUS AGAINST THE WICKED LUCIFERIANS: HIS IS THE KINGDOM, HIS IS THE POWER, HIS IS THE GLORY, HIS IS THE VICTORY FOREVER AMEN. 🚨07.31.20 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS: "The goggles urged by Satanist Fauci are meant to cause spiritual blindness.They don't want us to know the TRUTH so that's why the goggles are being mandated to cause spiritual blindness. It's their countermove against the recent exposure." (Pray for the Frontline Doctors' protection in Jesus' name) 🚨IN JESUS' NAME PRAY FOR THE FRONTLINE DRS' PROTECTION! 🚨07.26.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR BELIEVERS AND NONBELIEVERS: IN THE NAME OF JESUS, CURSE THE PYTHON SPIRIT THAT IS CONSTRAINING YOU PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY. The Mask carries the python spirit! 🚨07.16.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CDC DURING THE PRAYER SHOFAR WALK: LAMENTATIONS #CaduceusIstheDemonicStaffofHermes#LuciferiansOperateInSatanicCodes 🚨07.15.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE WICKED: God is closing in. There's nowhere to go and nowhere to run. Time is up for the wicked. #TheLuciferianNewWorldOrderSystemWillFallInJesusName 🚨07.13.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: I saw China being exposed for sex trafficking and China was angry. Pray against any Chinese military retaliation and pray for peace in Jesus' name. 🚨07.13.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE MORE I EXPOSE THE MORE EVIDENT MY WORD (BIBLE) BECOMES. 🚨07.05.20 MSG FROM JESUS: No matter how much Satan shows his power I'M GREATER! Remember it was Aaron's staff that swallowed their staffs. "BATTLE-AX" 🚨07.01.20 MSG FROM JESUS: The LORD wants to birth his plans for his children. Satan wants to abort God's plans by causing spiritual stillborns. Pray, battle & walk into your destiny in JESUS' name. 🚨07.06.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: DISCERN THE SEASONS OF WAR AND PEACE. 🚨07.01.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE REMNANT: GOD'S VOICE IS LOUDER THAN THE NOISE! DON'T LET SATAN'S ATTACKS STARTLE YOU. THIS IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE. PRAY & STAY FOCUSED ON THE LORD. HIS SHEEP KNOW THE FREQUENCY OF HIS VOICE. #VICTORY 🚨07.01.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: Pray for Alabama. In the dream, I saw people fighting and I think it was "race wars". 🚨06.29.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: PRAY FOR SPAIN. I SAW "BLM" PROTESTERS & ANARCHISTS ATTACKING PEOPLE With CHERRY BOMBS or MINI EXPLOSIVES. 🚨POTUS NEED PROPHETS to discern and to protect him from the snakes and the vipers in his midst. 🚨06.28.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: I saw Chinese & Russian agents involved with CERN. Pray for the Christian agents that are working there & pray against all evil in Jesus' name. 🚨06.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING THE TRUMP FAMILY: "BUG" PRAY FOR THEIR PROTECTION IN JESUS' NAME. 🚨06.26.20 MSG FROM JESUS: "CALAMITY" Amos 3:6-8 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? 🚨05.31.20 MSG FROM JESUS ABOUT HAWAII DURING PRAYER: The same globalists that started WW2 want to start WW3. Pearl Harbor & 9/11 were created by them. 🚨06.15.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE USA: Leviticus 25:10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you shall return to his family. 🚨⚖️06.13.20 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING BILL GATES: GOD IS GOING TO HACK INTO BILL GATES' NETWORK SYSTEMS AND GOD WILL EXPOSE HIS HIDDEN FILES. I HEARD THE WORD "WINDOWS" 🚨06.01.20 MSG FROM JESUS: "The World Is a Stage." 🚨06.06.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR VIRGINIA: "Just like you gather and wiretapp others, the LORD has wiretapped you. GOD IS THE MASTER WIRETAPPER WHO HEARS ALL, WHO SEES ALL & SOON YOU WILL BE EXPOSED." 🚨06.05.20 MSG FROM JESUS ABOUT POTUS TRUMP: Just like GOD chose Moses to deliver his people and GOD made the way, so has GOD chosen Trump to do the same in our modern-day. The wicked Luciferians a.k.a the spiritual pharaohs of our time are well aware of the calling that the LORD has placed upon Potus Trump. In prayer, I then heard in my spirit, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's speech "Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I'm Free at Last." #LibertyBell Free at Last- Martin Luther King, Jr 🚨05.08.20 MSG FROM JESUS: "FLYNN'S VICTORY STIRRED THE POT. PRAY AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF DESPERATION IN JESUS NAME" #SPIRITUALWARFARE 🚨03.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: The ongoing attacks against TRUE CHRISTIANS is a preview of the End Times persecution of the church. Those that make it to the end, will be saved. #spiritofChristvsAntichristspirit 🚨06.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: JUST LIKE GOD WHO DESTROYED GOLIATH THROUGH DAVID SO IT WILL BE WHEN GOD DESTROYS THE NWO THROUGH TRUMP. 🚨On 05.30.20 I heard the LORD speak to my spirit: "While we were quarantined the Luciferians were planning." 🚨05.26.20 MSG FROM JESUS: Who will stand in the gap for this nation? Many are called few are chosen. 🚨04.30.20 MSG FROM JESUS: MLK HAD A MOSES CALLING BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE A JOSHUA/CALEB TO GET TO THE PROMISE LAND. SATAN WENT AFTER THE SEED THROUGH ABORTION BUT THE LORD WANTS TO RESTORE THE SEED AND THE FAMILY. #JOEL2#PROLIFE 🚨05.19.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: Pray for the justice and the protection of children who are victims of pedophilia. I saw glimpses of hell that waits for the wicked. #ChildPornTakesYouToHell 🚨05.13.20 MSG FROM JESUS: GOD IS A GOD OF WAR AGAINST ALL EVIL. Exodus 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. 🚨05.15.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR CA, NY, MI, & EVERY OTHER REBELLIOUS STATE: 🚨05.15.20 MSGS FROM JESUS: 1.BE SHREWD AS SNAKES AND GENTLE AS DOVES FOR THE DEVIL IS LIKE A ROARING LION WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO DEVOUR. (Matthew 10:16; 1 Peter 5:8) 2.OUR WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL BUT MIGHTY AND STRONG IN GOD FOR PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS. (2 Corinthians 10:4) 3.THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S (Exodus 14:13; 1 Samuel 17:47) 4."GIDEON"- ARMY OF A FEW (REMNANT) GOD WANTS PRAYER OF NATIONAL REPENTANCE & PRAYER AGAINST ALL EVIL IN JESUS' NAME. (Judges 7:2, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Ephesians 6, 2 Corinthians 10:4) 5."JERICHO"- THIS IS GOD'S BATTLE AND THE VICTORY BELONGS TO HIM. NO MAN WILL BOAST FOR THE VICTORY THAT THE LORD WILL GIVE YOU TODAY. (I.E. MOSES, GIDEON AND JOSHUA) NOT BY MY MIGHT, NOT BY POWER BUT MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD. (Joshua 6; Zechariah 4:6) 6.CA, NY, MI, WA & EVERY OTHER LIBERAL STATE: "YOU ARE REAPING WHAT YOU HAVE SOWED. BECAUSE YOU HAVE CHASED PAGAN GODS, THE LORD HAS HANDED YOU OVER TO YOUR ENEMIES TO RULE OVER YOU. TO THE RIGHTEOUS IN THOSE STATES THE LORD SAYS, "YOU ARE THE LIGHTHOUSES/THE LIGHT TOWERS BUILT ON THE ROCK WHO IS CHRIST TO BE THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS AND TO LEAD ALL PEOPLE TO THE LORD IN THIS HOUR. (Galatians 6:7-9; Matthew 5:14-16; Deuteronomy 28:25;48) 7.THE TRUMP FAMILY NAME IS A KINGDOM NAME. "TO TRUMP OVER THE ENEMY (SATAN)" #TRIUMPH 🚨Matthew 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. (Share this post) 🚨05.09.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: I saw a hybrid that was half human and half a rat. In the dream, I also saw the Luciferian elite being involved in this. (Friends this is what we're up against, man/woman up and face the truth) Go read and finish your bibles! 🚨05.08.20 MSG FROM JESUS: Pray against the spirit of Cain. Love God and then love your neighbor. Pray against bloodshed in Jesus' name. 🚨05.09.20 MSG FROM JESUS: UNRAVEL, DISCLOSE, REVEAL AND EXPOSE. 🚨05.04.20 MSG FROM JESUS: STOP PUTTING GOD ON YOUR OWN TERMS 🚨POTUS IS ANOINTED AND CHOSEN BY THE LORD FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. (Share this!) 🚨04.15.20 MSG FROM JESUS: LIKE KING SAUL, GOD WILL GIVE A TORMENTING SPIRIT TO THE WICKED, PRIDEFUL LEADERS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CHURCH. 🚨03.18.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE LORD IS GOING TO FLIP KINGDOMS THROUGH HIS SPIRITUAL JOSEPHS IN EVERY UNGODLY PLACE. 🚨04.19.20 MSG FROM JESUS: "WAR- WE ARE AT WAR AGAINST EVIL" #SPIRITUALWARFARE 🚨04.18.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: EXPOSING THE SNAKES- I saw Potus Trump lifting up a rock slab to expose the snakes underneath. Pray for Potus 24/7 in Jesus' name. Potus has a #KingDavid, #Jeremiah, and a #Nehemiah anointing. 🚨04.16.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE FAITHFUL, OBEDIENT REMNANT: "POSSESS THE LAND" 🚨04.19.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. THE LORD IS USING POTUS TO REWRITE, DECLARE, DECREE GOD'S PLANS FOR THE WICKED AND THE RIGHTEOUS. THE LORD SAYS "BLESSED ARE THEY WHO SEE WHAT GOD IS DOING THROUGH POTUS AND THOSE OPPOSING GOD'S WILL VIA TRUMP WILL RECEIVE THEIR REWARD TOO." MT13:14-17 🚨04.11.20 MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER FOR NY: THE SPIRIT OF DEATH DECLARED AGAINST THE UNBORN IS BOOMERANGING TO NY. 🚨04.08.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: STOREHOUSES FOR THE FAITHFUL, OBEDIENT REMNANT 🚨04.11.20 MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I sensed the LORD say "don't be surprised if the LORD sends those who hurt you your way, so you can bless them. The greatest gift of all is love." 🚨Revelation 3:16-18 The Mark of the Beast 🚨04.12.20 MSG FROM JESUS: Season of Joseph, Daniel & Esther. 🚨04.12.20 MSG FROM JESUS: KINGDOM MARRIAGES ORDAINED BY GOD WILL REINSTATE THE DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING. 🚨04.10.20 MSG FROM JESUS: I will do what I want and what I please to bring all people to their knees. 🚨04.05.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE REASON WHY PASTORS WON'T PREACH REPENTANCE OR THE FEAR OF THE LORD IT'S BECAUSE THEY'LL EXPOSE THEMSELVES FOR THE LIARS THAT THEY ARE 🚨04.03.20 MSG FROM JESUS: I'VE PUT YOU BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE TO SEEK MY FACE. 🚨As multiple prayer warriors and I prayed over D.C. & VA on Feb 26th and March 2th-8th, 2020 the LORD said the following books & chapters: 🚨As multiple prayer warriors and I prayed over Maryland on February 29th the LORD said the following books and chapters: 🚨03.26.20 I HEARD THIS VERSE FROM THE LORD DURING PRAYER FOR THE WICKED: EXODUS 11:5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. 🚨01.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS: DEMARCATION -It's time to decide who you will serve. Is it Jesus or Satan? The time for having your feet on both sides are over. 🚨10.21.19 DREAM FROM JESUS: I SAW ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE STRIKING WHAT APPEARS TO BE CALIFORNIA. I HEARD 8.0 AND I SAW FLOODS TOO. 🚨03.31.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE RIGHTEOUS: WHEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD BECOMES ESTABLISHED IN THE UNGODLY PLACES GOD'S CHILDREN THE SPIRITUAL JOSEPHS WILL HAVE FULL ACCESS TO IT. 🚨As multiple prayer warriors and I prayed over Maryland on February 29th the LORD said the following books and chapters: Preach the gospel- ANNAPOLIS Luke 3-CITY HALL -BALTIMORE Jeremiah 51-52-BALTIMORE (Mount Vernon Place) Lamentations-BALTIMORE (Mount Vernon Place) 🚨01.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS: N.A.S.A. I.S. E.V.I.L. AND THEY ARE TODAY'S TOWER OF BABEL 🚨03.30.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING NOVEMBER ELECTIONS: YOUR CHOICE IS ABOUT THE ERADICATION OR RESTORATION OF CHRISTIANITY 🚨03.10.20 MSG FROM JESUS: The Battle for America in this election is the survival of Christianity and Potus Trump is the defender of the Judeo-Christian faith. (Vote & Pray for Potus Trump 24/7 in Jesus' name) 🚨03.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: The ongoing attacks against TRUE CHRISTIANS is a preview of the End Times persecution of the church. FYI, those that make it to the end are saved 🚨03.30.20 MSG & VISION FROM JESUS: There's a spirit of death on the earth against humanity. I saw a lifeless body with barely a pulse but the LORD wants to bring it back to life. 🚨03.27.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THERE'S GOING TO BE A GLOBAL PANDEMIC OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD. #repentandsinnomore#beholybepure#FearTheLORD 🚨03.21.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE REMNANT: The devil can no longer bound God's people to the ground. We are meant to soar. 🚨03.17.20 MSG FROM JESUS: Walking papers for the wicked and working papers for the righteous both inside and outside the church. #JUSTICE#JUDGMENT (This word is NOT for the carnal, worldly, lukewarm church) 🚨03.19.20 Dream from JESUS: I saw a luxury hotel in Los Angeles involved with Satanic, sex-trafficking, pedophile rings.Please pray for justice in Jesus' name🙏🏼😭 🚨03.20.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR CHRISTIANS & NONBELIEVERS: GOD IS REBUKING THE WORLD WITH A TIME-OUT! 🚨02.25.19 PROPHETIC REVELATION FROM JESUS ABOUT NYC MEDIA COMPANIES ON 6TH AVE: They're strategically located on 6th Ave to pay homage to Lucifer aka 666. 🚨03.10.20 MSG FROM JESUS: The Battle for America in this election is the survival of Christianity and Potus Trump is the defender of the Judeo-Christian faith. 🚨02.21.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE CURSE IS BEING LIFTED OFF THE USA. ROE VS WADE WAS A SATANIC PACT THAT PREVIOUS LEGISLATORS MADE & CURSED THE LAND. IN DECEMBER 2015, JESUS SAID THAT HE WILL OVERRIDE EVERY DETESTABLE LAW OFF THIS LAND. 🚨12.01.15 msg from JESUS:The Church must stop fluctuating with the LORD and his ways. The LORD will OVERRIDE all detestable laws on this land. 🚨02.07.20 MSG FROM JESUS: AI IS NOT THE REAL INTELLIGENCE THAT COMES FROM GOD BUT FROM SATAN THE FAKE SNAKE. Genesis 2:17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." 🚨02.07.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE ELITE WHO SOLD THEIR SOULS TO SATAN ARE TALENTLESS & SMARTLESS. THE DEMONS INSIDE THEM ARE THE REASON WHY THEY'RE SUCCESSFUL. 🚨02.17.20 MSGS FROM JESUS: 1.SECRET SOCIETIES WILL BE SECRET NO MORE! JESUS IS GOING TO EXPOSE SECRET SOCIETIES AND THEIR SATANIC MANUALS. 2.JESUS IS GOING TO EXPOSE THE SATANIC RITUALS THAT THE ELITE AND ITS MEMBERS HAD TO DO IN ORDER TO GAIN THE RICHES OF THE WORLD (MONEY, FAME, POWER) IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR SOULS. 3.THIS EXPOSURE IS GOING TO SEND SHOCKWAVES TO THE GLOBAL MASSES AND THEY WILL REALIZE THAT THEIR "STARS" ARE NOTHING BUT FALLEN. 🚨01.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS: NASA IS EVIL! NASA IS TODAY'S TOWER OF BABEL #REPTILIANSHAPESHIFTERS 🚨02.16.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: PRAY FOR THE KIDS THAT ARE SEXUALLY EXPLOITED BY "HEALTHCARE" PROVIDERS. 🚨01.29.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: REBUKE THE SERPENT, LUCIFERIAN, ANTICHRIST SPIRIT OFF THE 50 U.S. CAPITOLS IN JESUS' NAME. 🚨12.20.19 MSGS FROM JESUS FOR THE WICKED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CHURCH: "WALKING PAPERS." and "IN ORDER TO HIRE HE MUST FIRE." 🚨03.17.20 MSG FROM JESUS: Walking papers for the wicked and working papers for the righteous both inside and outside the church. 🚨Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? #KobeBryant 🚨01.25.20 MSG FROM JESUS: STEAM ROLLER- THE LORD IS COMING LIKE A POWERFUL, MIGHTY STEAM ROLLER TO CRUSH THE DEVIL, HIS DEMONS AND ALL THE DARK POWERS OF OPPOSITION AND WITCHCRAFT THAT STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS CHILDREN. IN ADDITION TO CRUSHING THE DEVIL, JESUS IS ALSO SMOOTHING AND PAVING THE WAY SO HIS CHILDREN CAN WALK TOWARDS THE PATH HE HAS MADE FOR THEM. 🚨Spring 2016: BULLDOZE- Jesus will bulldoze his way For the entire post click here: 🚨01.22.20 MESSAGES FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: "SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL." "RUMBLE" NONBELIEVERS AND CHRISTIANS WILL HAVE THE FEAR OF THE LORD. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.30.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I SAW JESUS' GAVEL STRIKING THE EARTH AND I HEARD THE WORD "SHAKING." For the entire post click here: 🚨10/04/17 msg from Jesus: It's spiritual warfare- wake up! It's NWO Luciferians vs. Christians/Trump/Human Race 🚨Do not take the MICROCHIP! It's the mark of the beast! 🚨09/07/17 Dream from Jesus: Satanists exposed! They're tricking teens through ads for satanic sacrifices. 🚨THE ILLUMINATI IS REAL click here for the entire post: 🚨Reptilian shapeshifters are real and they're among us!! My eerie, accidental, close-up encounter with a reptilian shapeshifter in government proved that they exist. MY For the entire post click below: 🚨Natural eyes vs. Prophetic Spiritual Eyes to read the post about click here: 🚨01.11.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING POTUS TRUMP'S ENEMIES: THE MOLES WORKING UNDERGROUND AND THE ROACHES WORKING AT NIGHT WILL BE EXPOSED. For the entire post click here: 🚨SEPT 2018 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING TOP U.S. WOMEN IN CONGRESS: COVEN OF WITCHES For the entire post click here: 🚨01.16.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN THE IMPEACHMENT SIGNATURES: YOU JUST GAVE YOURSELF A SELF-INFLICTED DEATH WARRANT FOR GOING AGAINST THE LORD AND HIS ANOINTED. For the entire post click here: 🚨01.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE WICKED WILL SQUEAL LIKE THE PIGS THAT THEY ARE. For the entire post click below: 🚨01.10.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: THE BEAST MUST FALL! Just like King David who took down Goliath, President Trump is chosen by the LORD to take down the spiritual Goliath of our time known as the Beast system a.k.a. the globalist, Luciferian, Antichrist, iron and clay system already prophesied in the book of Daniel. As I prayed, I saw the tall, statue wobbling and swaying back in forth and then I heard the LORD say "the beast must fall". For the entire post click below: 🚨09.28.19 Vision from Jesus during prayer: I saw Jesus crowning POTUS Trump twice. For the entire post click here: 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about President Trump since 2015 click here: 🚨12.29.19 msg from JESUS: "LIBERTY BELL" I heard the bell ring a few times in my spirit during prayer. Just like the LORD set the Israelites free from slavery and bondage in Egypt so will it be for the people of this land. Just like the LORD stripped the power of the wicked and drowned the enemies of Israel, so will it be for the wicked that are coming against the righteous. Daniel 5:27 Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."Exodus 14:13-14 "Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” The LORD's declaration of independence to deliver his people from the oppression of the wicked is coming. 🙌#THANKYOUJESUS🙌#JUSTICE For the entire post click here: 🚨08.04:19 MSG FROM JESUS: America, you cannot take this country back without me. (Please share and tag people to this post so we can pray for our country and our President Trump in Jesus' name.) #spiritualwarfare Click below: 🚨05.07.19 DREAM FROM JESUS FOR THE USA: 2 Chronicles 7:14 IT WILL TAKE THE HAND OF GOD, THE WORD OF GOD AND NATIONWIDE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR TRUMP2020. For the entire post please click link below: 🚨05.01.19 DREAM FROM JESUS: THE WORD OF GOD, THE HAND OF GOD & THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL GIVE TRUMP THE VICTORY IN 2020. POTUS TRUMP TRUSTS JESUS #Psalm20v7 For the entire post please click link below: 🚨12.22.19 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING NEW DECADE: "ROARING 20s" For the entire post click here: 🚨12.29.18 MSG & VISION FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: "RIGHTEOUS ROAR" I HEARD THE ROAR OF THE LION OF JUDAH AND THEN I HEARD THE SOUND OF THE LION'S PAWS HITTING THE GROUND AS IT PICKED UP MOMENTUM. For the entire post click here: 🚨12.19.17 MSG FROM JESUS:ATTENTION GOD-FEARING, BIBLE LITERATE, PROPHETIC, ONFIRE, HOLY, OBEDIENT, PERSECUTED & SUFFERING WARRIORS FOR CHRIST. IT'S TIME TO LAUGH & TO DANCE. Get your dancing shoes and thank Jesus! For the entire post click here: 🚨12/19/17 MSG FROM JESUS: IT'S TIME FOR THE WICKED TO MOURN For the entire post click here: 🚨Dec 2017 MSG FROM JESUS: Joel 2:25 "AND I WILL RESTORE TO YOU THE YEARS THAT THE SWARMING LOCUST HAS EATEN, THE CRAWLING LOCUST, AND THE CONSUMING LOCUST, AND THE CUTTING LOCUST, MY GREAT ARMY WHICH I SENT AMONG YOU." For the entire post click here: 🚨12.20.19 MSGS FROM JESUS FOR THE WICKED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CHURCH: "WALKING PAPERS." and "IN ORDER TO HIRE HE MUST FIRE." Walking papers: notice of dismissal from a job. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.17.19 Vision from JESUS during prayer: I saw a huge, powerful wave and this wave represents the move of God through his sovereign hands. I heard the word "CRASHING" and like a tidal wave which is full of immense power, speed and strength, GOD is going to CRASH over every area/place where the wicked are seated and FLOOD those areas with his chosen, remnant, on-fire, Christian children for such a time as this. The wicked who are in power will be drowned out and they have no power against the hand of Christ. For the entire post click here: 🚨12.18.19 msg from Jesus during prayer: "20/20 Vision" In addition to clarity it is imperative for the remnant to partner with God's vision and not their own! It's all about God, his will, his plans, his promises and his agenda period! Any Christian who loses focus on God and who operates in the flesh through selfish ambitions, pride, vanity, celebrity, greed, envy, jealousy etc will be replaced! For the entire post click here: 🚨12.17.19 msg from JESUS: Seasons of plenty and Seasons of Famine -It's time for the spiritual Josephs to rise and to occupy the positions of power and influence in order to prepare the nations for the seasons of plenty and of famine. Just like Joseph who stored the grain to save people from starvation so will it be for the spiritual Josephs to prepare the nations to live on every word that comes from the mouth of God for these End Times. READ GENESIS 41, MATTHEW 24, MARK 13, LUKE 21 For the entire post click here: 🚨11.19.19 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: "RAID". Crooked churches will be raided on. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.19.19 VISION AND MESSAGE FROM JESUS FOR THE REMNANT: During prayer I saw a gold chair having an engraved named plate. These gold chairs are reserved for the God-fearing, obedient, holy, pure, consecrated, on-fire Christians of the LORD and no one else can occupy their place. As each person took his/her seat, I saw Jesus placing a crown over their heads which represented his ordination and his blessing. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.30.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I SAW JESUS' GAVEL STRIKING THE EARTH AND I HEARD THE WORD "SHAKING." For the entire post click here: 🚨05.11.18 MSG FROM JESUS FOR CHURCH & MINISTRY LEADERS: SHUFFLE 🚨SPRING 2016 VISION FROM JESUS: MEN IN BUSINESS SUITS ARRESTED (with handcuffs in front of them) For the entire post click here: 🚨10.11.16 Dream from JESUS: PROSTITUTION RINGS WILL BE EXPOSED For the entire post click here: 🚨04.26.17 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS: "LIQUIDATE" JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE ASSETS & THE FUNDS. 🚨11.26.17 DREAM FROM JESUS: GOD WILL DESTROY THE ALTARS OF IDOLATRY, BAAL & WITCHCRAFT. 🚨APRIL 2017 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS TO TRUMP'S ENEMIES: HAMAN For the entire post click here: 🚨MAY 2017 MSG FROM JESUS:"TIP THE SCALES, SHIFT, THE RIGHTEOUS WILL RULE & REIGN" For the entire post click here: 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about GOD's judgment against the wicked and his scales of justice prevailing For the entire post click here: 🚨11.03.19 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: IF YOU ARE BUILDING SOMETHING FOR ME AND YOU TAINT IT WITH BAAL (EVIL), I WILL TEAR IT DOWN LIKE I DID WITH SOLOMON. For the entire post click here: 🚨08.22.19 Msg from JESUS: The Theological House of Cards is falling down For the entire post click here: 🚨05.26.19 msg from Jesus: WHIP! JESUS WILL WHIP THE CHURCHES/MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. For the entire post click here: 🚨07.11.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: JESUS IS SWEEPING HIS LAND. For the entire post click here: 🚨Fall 2018: WAR HORSES: Jesus is going to release his remnant army as war horses ready to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions of power and influence in the marketplace for his glory in the name of Christ. For the entire post click here: 🚨11/27/15 msg from JESUS "People are tired of worldly ways. There's a NEW TIDE coming from worldly ways into KINGDOM WAYS." For the entire post click here: 🚨Fall 2015: CHANGE THE STATUS QUO- Jesus will change the status quo For the entire post click here: 🚨Dec 2015: OVERRIDE- Jesus will override every detestable law off this land. For the entire post click here: 🚨Spring 2016: FLICK- Jesus will flick off the filth off this land For the entire post click here: 🚨Sept 2015: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOLYWOOD- Jesus will clean up Hollywood so they will know that it was the wood on the cross which Christ died for them too. For the entire post click here:

🚨Summer 2015: REVIVAL - OVERCROWDED STADIUMS For the entire post click here:


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Whatever state or circumstance that you may find yourself in, please know that Jesus is with you and he loves you whether you’re a believer or a nonbeliever. Always remember, God created you for a purpose and in his eyes, you are his precious child. Open your heart to Jesus, ask him to forgive you of your sins, accept him as your Lord and Savior, start reading his bible, pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and live a holy, obedient, pure life. Click on the link below to download your bible and as soon as you get a chance get yourself a hard copy study bible and a journal so you can write down the prophetic messages Jesus wants to speak to you directly!

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