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They're talentless and smartless

If you're involved in secret societies now is the time to get right with Christ before Satan comes to collect you and/or your family. Get out while you can. 🚨🛑🔥⚖02.17.20 MSGS FROM JESUS: 1.SECRET SOCIETIES WILL BE SECRET NO MORE! JESUS IS GOING TO EXPOSE SECRET SOCIETIES AND THEIR SATANIC MANUALS. 2.JESUS IS GOING TO EXPOSE THE SATANIC RITUALS THAT THE ELITE AND ITS MEMBERS HAD TO DO IN ORDER TO GAIN THE RICHES OF THE WORLD (MONEY, FAME, POWER) IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR SOULS. 3.THIS EXPOSURE IS GOING TO SEND SHOCKWAVES TO THE GLOBAL MASSES AND THEY WILL REALIZE THAT THEIR "STARS" ARE NOTHING BUT FALLEN. JESUS EXPOSE WHAT NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED IN THIS HOUR AND STRIP THEM NAKED. I PRAY THOSE THAT SOLD THEIR SOULS WILL REPENT AND SIN NO MORE AND SEEK JESUS BEFORE THE DEVIL COLLECTS THEM AND/OR THEIR FAMILIES BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. 🙏🏼😪 Lately, NBA Michael Jordan has been in my spirit lately and during prayer I've been asking the LORD: 1) What's with the "AIR Jordan" symbolism and slogan? 2) Is he paying homage to the devil known as the Prince of Air? 3)Was his talent on the court caused by the demons and demonic power inside him that made him successful? 4)What did he have to do in order to accumulate that wealth and fame on a global scale after his retirement 20+ years later? 5)What is about those sneakers that people wait on the cold streets of NYC overnight outside Footlocker to buy a pair? Sounds like witchcraft to me. 6) What is it with the acronym "G.o.a.t" which means" greatest of all time" and is associated with the goat the animal? 7) Is the devil using the "g.o.a.t." term and symbolism to get people to compete with GOD WHO IS THE GREAT I AM AND ONLY THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME? Hmm...scripture says that Jesus will divide the sheep vs the goats Then the LORD keeps reminding me of these 2 recent messages:

🚨🛑02.07.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE ELITE WHO SOLD THEIR SOULS TO SATAN ARE TALENTLESS & SMARTLESS. THEIR DEMONS MADE THEM SUCCESSFUL FYI 🚨🛑02.07.20 MSG FROM JESUS: AI is not the REAL intelligence from GOD, it comes from the fake snake! (SATAN) 🚨🛑01.28.20 MSG FROM JESUS: NASA IS EVIL! NASA IS TODAY'S TOWER OF BABEL #REPTILIANSHAPESHIFTERS Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? Matthew 7:15-20 You Will Know Them by Their Fruits “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Matthew 25:31-46 The Son of Man Will Judge the Nations 31 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ 41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” 🚨02.16.20 DREAM FROM JESUS: PRAY FOR THE KIDS THAT ARE SEXUALLY EXPLOITED BY "HEALTHCARE" PROVIDERS. 🚨01.29.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: REBUKE THE SERPENT, LUCIFERIAN, ANTICHRIST SPIRIT OFF THE 50 U.S. CAPITOLS IN JESUS' NAME. 🚨Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? #KobeBryant 🚨01.25.20 MSG FROM JESUS: STEAM ROLLER- THE LORD IS COMING LIKE A POWERFUL, MIGHTY STEAM ROLLER TO CRUSH THE DEVIL, HIS DEMONS AND ALL THE DARK POWERS OF OPPOSITION AND WITCHCRAFT THAT STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS CHILDREN. IN ADDITION TO CRUSHING THE DEVIL, JESUS IS ALSO SMOOTHING AND PAVING THE WAY SO HIS CHILDREN CAN WALK TOWARDS THE PATH HE HAS MADE FOR THEM. 🚨Spring 2016: BULLDOZE- Jesus will bulldoze his way For the entire post click here: 🚨01.22.20 MESSAGES FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: "SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL." "RUMBLE" NONBELIEVERS AND CHRISTIANS WILL HAVE THE FEAR OF THE LORD. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.30.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I SAW JESUS' GAVEL STRIKING THE EARTH AND I HEARD THE WORD "SHAKING." For the entire post click here: 🚨10/04/17 msg from Jesus: It's spiritual warfare- wake up! It's NWO Luciferians vs. Christians/Trump/Human Race 🚨Do not take the MICROCHIP! It's the mark of the beast! 🚨09/07/17 Dream from Jesus: Satanists exposed! They're tricking teens through ads for satanic sacrifices. 🚨THE ILLUMINATI IS REAL click here for the entire post: 🚨Reptilian shapeshifters are real and they're among us!! My eerie, accidental, close-up encounter with a reptilian shapeshifter in government proved that they exist. MY For the entire post click below: 🚨Natural eyes vs. Prophetic Spiritual Eyes to read the post about click here: 🚨01.11.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING POTUS TRUMP'S ENEMIES: THE MOLES WORKING UNDERGROUND AND THE ROACHES WORKING AT NIGHT WILL BE EXPOSED. For the entire post click here: 🚨SEPT 2018 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING TOP U.S. WOMEN IN CONGRESS: COVEN OF WITCHES For the entire post click here: 🚨01.16.20 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN THE IMPEACHMENT SIGNATURES: YOU JUST GAVE YOURSELF A SELF-INFLICTED DEATH WARRANT FOR GOING AGAINST THE LORD AND HIS ANOINTED. For the entire post click here: 🚨01.02.20 MSG FROM JESUS: THE WICKED WILL SQUEAL LIKE THE PIGS THAT THEY ARE. For the entire post click below: 🚨01.10.20 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: THE BEAST MUST FALL! Just like King David who took down Goliath, President Trump is chosen by the LORD to take down the spiritual Goliath of our time known as the Beast system a.k.a. the globalist, Luciferian, Antichrist, iron and clay system already prophesied in the book of Daniel. As I prayed, I saw the tall, statue wobbling and swaying back in forth and then I heard the LORD say "the beast must fall". For the entire post click below: 🚨09.28.19 Vision from Jesus during prayer: I saw Jesus crowning POTUS Trump twice. For the entire post click here: 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about President Trump since 2015 click here: 🚨12.29.19 msg from JESUS: "LIBERTY BELL" I heard the bell ring a few times in my spirit during prayer. Just like the LORD set the Israelites free from slavery and bondage in Egypt so will it be for the people of this land. Just like the LORD stripped the power of the wicked and drowned the enemies of Israel, so will it be for the wicked that are coming against the righteous. Daniel 5:27 Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up."Exodus 14:13-14 "Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” The LORD's declaration of independence to deliver his people from the oppression of the wicked is coming. 🙌#THANKYOUJESUS🙌#JUSTICE For the entire post click here: 🚨08.04:19 MSG FROM JESUS: America, you cannot take this country back without me. (Please share and tag people to this post so we can pray for our country and our President Trump in Jesus' name.) #spiritualwarfare Click below: 🚨05.07.19 DREAM FROM JESUS FOR THE USA: 2 Chronicles 7:14 IT WILL TAKE THE HAND OF GOD, THE WORD OF GOD AND NATIONWIDE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR TRUMP2020. For the entire post please click link below: 🚨05.01.19 DREAM FROM JESUS: THE WORD OF GOD, THE HAND OF GOD & THE POWER OF PRAYER WILL GIVE TRUMP THE VICTORY IN 2020. POTUS TRUMP TRUSTS JESUS #Psalm20v7 For the entire post please click link below: 🚨12.22.19 MSG FROM JESUS REGARDING NEW DECADE: "ROARING 20s" For the entire post click here: 🚨12.29.18 MSG & VISION FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: "RIGHTEOUS ROAR" I HEARD THE ROAR OF THE LION OF JUDAH AND THEN I HEARD THE SOUND OF THE LION'S PAWS HITTING THE GROUND AS IT PICKED UP MOMENTUM. For the entire post click here: 🚨12.19.17 MSG FROM JESUS:ATTENTION GOD-FEARING, BIBLE LITERATE, PROPHETIC, ONFIRE, HOLY, OBEDIENT, PERSECUTED & SUFFERING WARRIORS FOR CHRIST. IT'S TIME TO LAUGH & TO DANCE. Get your dancing shoes and thank Jesus! For the entire post click here: 🚨12/19/17 MSG FROM JESUS: IT'S TIME FOR THE WICKED TO MOURN For the entire post click here: 🚨Dec 2017 MSG FROM JESUS: Joel 2:25 "AND I WILL RESTORE TO YOU THE YEARS THAT THE SWARMING LOCUST HAS EATEN, THE CRAWLING LOCUST, AND THE CONSUMING LOCUST, AND THE CUTTING LOCUST, MY GREAT ARMY WHICH I SENT AMONG YOU." For the entire post click here: 🚨12.20.19 MSGS FROM JESUS FOR THE WICKED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CHURCH: "WALKING PAPERS." and "IN ORDER TO HIRE HE MUST FIRE." Walking papers: notice of dismissal from a job. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.17.19 Vision from JESUS during prayer: I saw a huge, powerful wave and this wave represents the move of God through his sovereign hands. I heard the word "CRASHING" and like a tidal wave which is full of immense power, speed and strength, GOD is going to CRASH over every area/place where the wicked are seated and FLOOD those areas with his chosen, remnant, on-fire, Christian children for such a time as this. The wicked who are in power will be drowned out and they have no power against the hand of Christ. For the entire post click here: 🚨12.18.19 msg from Jesus during prayer: "20/20 Vision" In addition to clarity it is imperative for the remnant to partner with God's vision and not their own! It's all about God, his will, his plans, his promises and his agenda period! Any Christian who loses focus on God and who operates in the flesh through selfish ambitions, pride, vanity, celebrity, greed, envy, jealousy etc will be replaced! For the entire post click here: 🚨12.17.19 msg from JESUS: Seasons of plenty and Seasons of Famine -It's time for the spiritual Josephs to rise and to occupy the positions of power and influence in order to prepare the nations for the seasons of plenty and of famine. Just like Joseph who stored the grain to save people from starvation so will it be for the spiritual Josephs to prepare the nations to live on every word that comes from the mouth of God for these End Times. READ GENESIS 41, MATTHEW 24, MARK 13, LUKE 21 For the entire post click here: 🚨11.19.19 MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: "RAID". Crooked churches will be raided on. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.19.19 VISION AND MESSAGE FROM JESUS FOR THE REMNANT: During prayer I saw a gold chair having an engraved named plate. These gold chairs are reserved for the God-fearing, obedient, holy, pure, consecrated, on-fire Christians of the LORD and no one else can occupy their place. As each person took his/her seat, I saw Jesus placing a crown over their heads which represented his ordination and his blessing. For the entire post click here: 🚨11.30.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS DURING PRAYER: I SAW JESUS' GAVEL STRIKING THE EARTH AND I HEARD THE WORD "SHAKING." For the entire post click here: 🚨05.11.18 MSG FROM JESUS FOR CHURCH & MINISTRY LEADERS: SHUFFLE 🚨SPRING 2016 VISION FROM JESUS: MEN IN BUSINESS SUITS ARRESTED (with handcuffs in front of them) For the entire post click here: 🚨10.11.16 Dream from JESUS: PROSTITUTION RINGS WILL BE EXPOSED For the entire post click here: 🚨04.26.17 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS: "LIQUIDATE" JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. JESUS WILL LIQUIDATE THE ASSETS & THE FUNDS. 🚨11.26.17 DREAM FROM JESUS: GOD WILL DESTROY THE ALTARS OF IDOLATRY, BAAL & WITCHCRAFT. 🚨APRIL 2017 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS TO TRUMP'S ENEMIES: HAMAN For the entire post click here: 🚨MAY 2017 MSG FROM JESUS:"TIP THE SCALES, SHIFT, THE RIGHTEOUS WILL RULE & REIGN" For the entire post click here: 🚨For every prophetic dream from JESUS about GOD's judgment against the wicked and his scales of justice prevailing For the entire post click here: 🚨11.03.19 WARNING MSG FROM JESUS FOR THE CHURCH: IF YOU ARE BUILDING SOMETHING FOR ME AND YOU TAINT IT WITH BAAL (EVIL), I WILL TEAR IT DOWN LIKE I DID WITH SOLOMON. For the entire post click here: 🚨08.22.19 Msg from JESUS: The Theological House of Cards is falling down For the entire post click here: 🚨05.26.19 msg from Jesus: WHIP! JESUS WILL WHIP THE CHURCHES/MINISTRIES THAT AREN'T HIS. For the entire post click here: 🚨07.11.18 VISION & MSG FROM JESUS: JESUS IS SWEEPING HIS LAND. For the entire post click here: 🚨Fall 2018: WAR HORSES: Jesus is going to release his remnant army as war horses ready to stampede the powers of darkness and to occupy the positions of power and influence in the marketplace for his glory in the name of Christ. For the entire post click here: 🚨11/27/15 msg from JESUS "People are tired of worldly ways. There's a NEW TIDE coming from worldly ways into KINGDOM WAYS." For the entire post click here: 🚨Fall 2015: CHANGE THE STATUS QUO- Jesus will change the status quo For the entire post click here: 🚨Dec 2015: OVERRIDE- Jesus will override every detestable law off this land. For the entire post click here: 🚨Spring 2016: FLICK- Jesus will flick off the filth off this land For the entire post click here: 🚨Sept 2015: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HOLYWOOD- Jesus will clean up Hollywood so they will know that it was the wood on the cross which Christ died for them too. For the entire post click here: 🚨Summer 2015: REVIVAL - OVERCROWDED STADIUMS For the entire post click here:


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